President Trump and Gaza

President Trump, Netanyahu, Zionism and Gaza

I hope this post finds you well.

A letter from the Foreign Office, signed by James Balfour. Know by the zionist as the balfour declaration.

I remember seeing a letter years ago and the second paragraph said that they were not allowed to displace any palistenian people. It doesn’t say that here, but it talks about preserving the Palestine civil rights.

Here is an informal discussion with members of the press, the subject, Gaza.

Mr. President Trump, say it isn’t so. Later, from the press secretary.

Hmmmm whats going on here. I hope she is right. Because the video below is possibly the real reason for destroying Gaza.

Adding another canal for 55 billion dollars, thru Gaza. Who is going to pay for this?

There are a lot of things going on in Israel. Like spitting. Watch these shorts.

And This.

And this. Disgusting!

And this.

This next video is odd. I don’t understand the attitude. Comment, why is this?, I am curious.

C’mon, Is this necessary.

I think what the zionist population are resorted to is bullying, as a way to force the Palestinian’s to leave their homes. Here is one last video.

There is a lot going on in Israel. While we have been occupied with politics and the Ukrainian/Russian war, the zionist in Israel have been trying to gain new territory. For a moment there I thought President Trump was going to just give Gaza to the zionist. Hopefully not. Peace.

Update! 2025-03-03 I came across this. This video shows IDF soldiers watching a dog eat a dead Palestinian person. I can’t tell if it is an adult or a child.

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