The Policeman’s Billy Club

1st time being struck by a Billy club

I hope this post finds you well.

I remember this well. I was in either the 8th or 9th grade. The year would have been 1974 or 1975. I was 15 or 16 years old, I went to a small concert the school sponsored. The band played mostly rock and roll music, loud they were, as I remembered it. We heard they were going to play and most of us looked forward to it.

I think it was a Friday evening. They played in a gym located across the street from us. The gym was big enough for a full basketball court and seats that unfolded from the wall, for fans to watch from. We all could either hang out on the seats or stand or dance on the court floor. The band was situated against the wall.

Sometime during the middle of the concert an event occurred. I remember it well. I was at one end of the court furthest away from the band. A police officer from the farthest wall from me started to walk toward my position. All the way down the length of the court he walked, I noticed he was staring at me. Some of the kids moved away from him as he walked toward me. He walked right up to me and thrust his Billy club directly into my stomach. Smiling all the while. I buckled over but quickly stood back upright, hurting. I stood there, and starred at him, in shock as he turned to walk back to his original position against the wall.

I noticed some of the other kids (I will not mention their culture for fear of reprisal) smirked at me with a I do not believe he did its expression. It is like they all anticipated it. Other kids just stared at me. While they rest never saw it. I did not know the police officer’s name. I was in too much shock at the time to ask. So, I do not know why he did it. I can only speculate.

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