Out For A Sled Ride

My First Ride On My New Sled

I hope this post finds you well.

When I was a child growing up, I lived in a level position on a steep hill. There were 4 houses on this flat section but all the other houses on the street were on a hill. Leaving my house, I could go right and immediately face an uphill bout or go left a little way and be force to go downhill.

I am not too sure what year it was, maybe I was in 3rd grade. I was gifted a sled from my parents. There was no snow at the time. My anticipation was intense as the winter weather approached.  When a good covering came, I immediately ran out and headed to the steepest section nearest to me. It was across the street and two houses down. I remember I was so excited.

I jumped on, proceeded down. The snow was deep and I realized the ride would not be fast. Slow and cumbersome, I did not care. I got to the first driveway. Of course, I had to dismount and walk the width of the driveway but that did not matter. Another ride to the next driveway. This was cool. Another ride, another driveway then I was almost to the bottom. One last ride. Excited as I was, I realized the conditions were not perfect and decided to head home.

I had changed into dry clothes and warm socks and was talking to mom, when someone knocked on the front door. My mother went to see who it was and then called to me. I walked to the door and there was a police officer there with a stern look.

I do not remember what he said exactly, but he chastised me for sledding on private property. How did he know it was me? Perhaps someone had called and complained, not sure. He condemned me, in a belittling way. This scarred me. I think he was trying to imprint fear into me. This is not how police should deal with a child sledding on someone’s front yard. In retrospect his behavior was like that of a gang member thug. I cried after.

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