How do you want it to be? This is how I would have it
I hope this post finds you well.
In 2040, Society as we know it, is going to collapse. I’m not kidding here, it’s true. MIT released a study in 1972, that predicted our societal collapse, life as we know it. That will be 2040[1],[2] just in case you are wondering. Why you ask, dwindling natural resources, increased pollution, and reduced quality of life to name a few. Which segues into, what do we want our industrial civilization to be for our children’s children. What kind of life do we want them to have? One like we have.
I’m stuck in future shock. I have images from “The Walking Dead” scenes, playing in my mind, with people walking around and through structures that were built decades ago, wondering what they were used for. Telling stories of how it was like when people would drive their cars to Starbucks and pay $5.00 for a coffee with all the flavored syrup to their liking. How a very few got decadently wealthy, from the masses of hardworking people. They voted for representatives who inspired and made promises on how they are going to fix it, only to be let down, over and over again.
There is one word though, that we can all embrace, like you would your child, that can guide us away from this destructive path we are on, it’s sustainability. Sustainably living, can ensure that your children’s children will have the same comforts we enjoy today.
So, the future of our world must be:
- Emission free
- Pollution free
- Sustainable farming
- Sustainable farming for nutritious food
- Sustainable cities
- Lots of cultures
- Many different languages
- Many countries and forms of governments
- Many religions, co-existing
- All people are educated
- International commerce should not be destructive to environment.
- Many leaders to guide and inspire their fellow citizens.
- Most important: we will all live in peace.
Emission Free: The air is different now, in the past 200 years we have added more particles, CO2, methane, and other gasses. The air today contains more than 410 ppm CO2, in 1970 it was 325 ppm, when in the 19th century before the industrial revolution it was 280 ppm. Presently, only one percent of the people breathe air that is not polluted. This excess CO2 traps more heat resulting in raising the worlds temperature by one degree Celsius.[3] We should stop putting gasses into the air and move to a clean energy economy.
Pollution Free: The products we make and consume, should be Recyclable and/or better yet Re-useable. Products designed with cradle to cradle in mind will reduce pollution [4].
Sustainable Farming: Many years ago, I read an article about the depletion of ground water from the Ogallala aquafer. At the end of the article a farmer, observing his kitchen fawcett spewing out mud instead of water, knew it was over. He gave his house keys to the bank and went to live with his son in the city. Increasing the yield on your fields comes at a cost. Depletion of soil nutrients is also a problem. Go back to family farming, Industrial farming is not working. Not only should we sell food by weight but also by the nutrition content. Apples today have 80% less vitamin C than in 1950. Vitamin A in carrots have depleted by 99% [5]. A solution is to use an artificial soil called Terra preta[6]. In Portuguese the full name is Terra preta de indio (“black soil of the Indian”).
Sustainable Farming for Nutritious food: It is OK to sell food by weight when all the food was nutritious. This is the way it has been done for ages. Unfortunately, the food today is not as nutritious as it was before 1950. Modern farming techniques has introduced pesticides [7] and less nutritious foods. We must modify our modern farming practices and bring back fully nutritional food [8].
Sustainable Cities: Walkable and bike friendly cities with all amenities close by can reduce many of today’s energy, pollution and emission issues. Planes, rail and buses that use green energy and don’t emit gasses are the way to go. Embrace the 15 minute city concept.
Lots of Cultures: All groups of people have their activities such as arts, music, dance, philosophy, sports, places to speak, places of worship, etc., that enhance and nurture the people’s minds. Life would be boring if there were only one culture.
Many Different Languages: How boring, if we all spoke English.
Many Countries and Forms of Governments: As long as individual and country rights are preserved and not infringed upon, then their form of government does not matter.
Many Religions, co-exiting: All people should have a right to choose their religion or choose not to have a religion. Religions should co-existing peacefully nor shall a religion have the right to destroy another.
All Peoples Have a Right to be Educated: A properly educated people are necessary to maintain people’s rights and peace. Our democracy is the most difficult form of government to maintain. It requires an educated populace. Educated people are more willing to challenge any efforts to subvert or reduce our rights.
International commerce should not be destructive to environment: As long as we practice emission free using clean energy and cradle to cradle product development.
Many leaders to guide and inspire their fellow citizens: I say this is the way to go, as long as the leaders practice peaceful endeavors that benefit their people nor infringe their rights.
Most Importantly, We Live in Peace: No brainer here.
[1] M.I.T. Computer Program Predicts in 1973 That Civilization Will End by 2040 | Open Culture
[2] MIT Predicts That Society Will Collapse in 1972: Updated, Economic Devastation of Century on Schedule | Science Times
[3] How the Environment Has Changed since the First Earth Day 50 Years Ago – Scientific American
[4] Ditching the “Cradle to Grave” Mentality | Environmental Center | University of Colorado Boulder
[5] How Is Soil Depletion Affecting Your Food? (
[6] Terra preta – Wikipedia
[7] Dirty Dozen or Clean Fifteen? See Where Your Favorite Produce Ranks This Year (
[8] Is Organic Food Worth the Cost? (