My take on this eye opening climate change documentary
I hope this post finds you well.
I recently watched a climate change documentary that blew me away. It’s unlike any other, I have seen. Called Planet of the Humans, by Jeff Gibbs. It can be viewed on YouTube, Internet archive and Amazon prime for free, that’s right, free.
· Youtube: Michael Moore: Planet of the Humans | A Film by Jeff Gibbs
· Internet Archive:
· Amazon Prime:
I recommend you watch it before reading this. Comparing your interpretations with mine will make my article a more interesting read. It turns out, you won’t know what I am talking about unless you watch the film. Please leave your thoughts in the comments section.
It’s about a journalist who sought to discover why all of our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions never succeeded. Watching It gave me mental clarity and broke my paralysis, brought on by no progress frustration. This movie is the only documentary I know of, describing why there is little to no effort on reversing climate change and how CO2 ppm keeps climbing.
All this time I respected these people and organizations. Donated money when I had it. Standing by, believing they had what it takes, always hoping they would gain the upper hand and make change for a pollution free sustainable world.
Now, I have a new path and it is clear to me. In order to stop climate change, I must stop following billionaires, politicians and not for profit organizations. For they have been hijacked, using their greed. These leaders of the climate change movement are now going to be big investors, along with billionaires.
I used to think billionaires were intelligent people. They must be, right, their rich! Watch the movie and you will see, there just “greed is good” opportunist.
There is Vice President Al Gore, an ethical, honest man seeking to help reverse climate change, I actually thought this. The whole idea that you would make a movie, An Inconvenient Truth, espousing the dangers of CO2 emissions, 2 years after becoming the chairman of a fund by making a partnership with David Blood the Generation Investment Management partner and former CEO of Asset Management for Goldman Sachs. They dedicated 650 million to biomass and bio-fuel projects. Another words, using cutting down trees for energy production. The movie was needed to convince everyone that biomass and bio-fuels was the way forward. Unfortunately, the movie succeeded.
During an interview a reporter asked Sir Richard Branson if Al Gore was a climate change prophet, He responded by saying “Ah, how do you spell profit”. I like how he laughed it off, influencing Al to laugh too.
Of course, we can’t leave out the so called not for profit organizations, led by individuals which in the end were bought out using every American’s weakness, greed. Why did we put all of our marbles into these people and organizations. All these not-for-profit organizations generating so called green investment funds. If you look into the details, they are mostly CO2 emitting energy companies. I would rather lose money with real green climate friendly investments than put my money into fake green investment funds that aren’t green at all.
Our effort to save this planet has been hijacked by sinister, greed is good, billionaires. They seduced our climate change leaders and organizations with their disposable millions, thwarting attempts to reduce CO2 emissions.
I have a suggestion. To me it’s clear, following some billionaire, politician, not for profit, or some company, didn’t work. At this stage in our game of life, we can’t afford to follow. Now, we must lead and leading by example is how. No need to fret or crawl into your app to console your misery. This is a guide everyone can follow. The plan is for each of us to invest, participate and embrace the following.
I think we can best make a difference by embracing the items in the list below. Invest where it is needed most. Take public transportation, even though it may be out of your comfort zone. Walk or ride a bike. Change will occur if you participate, showing by doing. Simply asking your representative of local billionaire to make the change for you, won’t work, unless there is money. You must participate, they will follow. Because you are where the money is. Let’s not be reactive and follow. Let’s be proactive and lead. Pay no attention to Oz, he will eventually come out from behind the curtain when he realizes he must follow us.
- Carbon capture: Here are some Investment ideas.
- 15-minute city: All cities should strive for this.
- Public transportation: Get your city to invest in hydrogen powered vehicles.
- Bicycles: Here is a list. Choose one.
- Walk-able: Learn from these cities and apply them to your community.
- Planting trees: Simple instructions.