More on CO2 and Nutrition levels
I hope this post finds you well.
We are modern humans referred Zoologically as Homo Sapiens, a culture-bearing upright-walking species that lives on the ground and very likely first evolved in Africa about 315,000 years ago. (Note, I copied this from Britannica.)
During our modern humans whole entire existence, we lived in an environment where the level of CO2 never went above 300 or below 180 ppm. This is our tried-and-true range, this worked for us. Call it, our Habitability Zone.
For the past 2 million years the level never peaked over ~300. Look at the chart below. However, levels have increased dramatically since the start of the industrial revolution (1760), starting from ~280 to today, where we are at 420 ppm.
Sure, the leaves get bigger and produce more sugars and more carbohydrates. This is great for farmers. Heavier food brings in more money. However, it comes at a cost. A big cost. Hidden from sight and taste, are many types of nutrition, that are just as important.
It just so happens that all nutrition’s in our foods are collapsing. Iron in spinach has been reduced by 27% since 1950. Zinc is down 10%. Did you know reduced zinc levels in our mind impairs our ability to reason. Rational decisions are made by people with minds that can reason.
We are in new territory.
Records of plant nutrition, minerals and vitamin levels go back to 1950, by the USDA. According to NASA data, the CO2 ppm level in 1950 was approximately 311.3 ppm. Since then, our plants and animal nutrition levels have depleted. Apples have lost 80% of vitamin content since 1950. Kale has lost 27% of iron. Bananas lost 76% of copper. Carrots lost 99% of vitamin A. Beef has lost 54% of iron, 24% of copper, and 41% of calcium. Humans and animals depend on nutritious plants. A generation of people in the 1950’s were three times less likely to be overweight than our generation and had less health problems than we do.
I do not know about you, but I think we should go back to 280 ppm.
There is an article published in Politico Magazine on 9/13/2017 that explains this and more. You should read this article. Do not worry, it is in plain English. So, you will be able to understand it. It’s called “The Great Nutrient Collapse” (